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Current White Papers

2023 Trust in Marketing Index: The trust gap

With brand trust so important to senior buying decisions, how can marketers ensure their content marketing is boosting and not busting key customer relationships?

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5 Stages to Becoming a DX Superhero

Your digital experience needs an upgrade but you don’t know where to start? Use our Digital Evolution Model to discover where you are today – and start driving impact tomorrow.

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Addressing the Four Challenges of Content Compliance

A how-to-guide for marketers to protect their brand, monitor expirations and ensure content compliance. Learn how marketers track licensed images and videos on websites, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Amazon.

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Statista Content Marketing Trend Study 2023

What are the success factors in content marketing? How much budget gets earmarked? Which channels are popular? Statista Content Marketing Trend Study has answers from B2B and B2C companies worldwide.

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Track Your Licensed Digital Assets On Websites And Social Media

How do content managers track published assets?  With multiple agencies or even a single in-house marketing team, it can be tough to track images and video post-distribution.

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Measuring Brand-to-Demand Success: A Modern Marketer’s Kit for Tracking + Demonstrating ROI

Take the guesswork out of demonstrating content marketing ROI and seamlessly prove your value to business leadership.

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Definitive Guide to Brand-to-Demand Marketing

Learn how to balance long- and short-term marketing growth strategies to build the brand, earn trust, and deliver leads.

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Thought leadership strategy: A step-by-step guide to planning and building your thought leadership strategy.

Could thought leadership help your brand to rise above the competition?

Whether you’re new to thought leadership or an experienced practitioner, this definitive guide is your go-to resource for step-by-step direction on how to plan, develop and execute a thought leadership strategy.

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Additional White Papers for Marketers