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Why Investors Trust Marketing, But Not Marketers [New Study]

A new study of financial analysts makes a revelation that will surprise marketers. They get your importance, but only if you achieve this. Learn what they have to say and how it should affect your work.

How Purdue University’s Award-Winning Video Transformed Recruitment With Emotive Storytelling

Purdue University let a girl envision her future, and audiences followed along. The storytelling unseated Purdue’s previous No.1 video on its YouTube channel which had 15 years of views. Discover the four lessons it teaches to manifest better video marketing.

Master Content Proofreading and Editing With These Tips

Wearing two hats at the same time is an odd and uncomfortable look. Yet, content marketers do it all the time when they edit and proofread at the same time. Here’s how to make each a distinct – and more valuable – experience.

How a Dash of Familiarity Makes Controversial Content More Palatable

Controversial content topics get attention – for better or worse. To earn the best kind, try balancing these four elements: surprise, familiarity, consensus, and controversy. This new framework can help.

How Outsourcing Content Production Can Save Your Marketing Budget

Working with outsourced talent adds flexibility and scalability to your content marketing program – and can be more cost-effective than you might think. Here’s what to consider and how to use this approach to your best strategic advantage.

Buyers Want To Trust Content. But Do They Value Yours? [New Research]

The 2023 Trust in Marketers research finds buyers generally trust brands’ content. But they also are less likely to find value in it. How can you bridge that gap? The answer’s pretty simple. (Well, maybe.)

3 Questions To Help You Evolve Your Content and Marketing [CMWorld Recap]

The big Content Marketing World takeaway: You don’t need radical change to evolve your content marketing program. But you do need to make decisions that help you understand your mission better, find surprises in the familiar, and take a scientific approach to change. Ask these questions to get started.

How To Write Headlines That Hook: 8 Questions To Ask

Headlines don’t just matter; they act as the life or death of your content. If you can answer yes to some or all of these questions, your headline is well positioned for a good life.

How To Build a Content-Driven, Audience-Centric Content Strategy

What does it mean to build a truly audience-centric content strategy? For the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, it meant rethinking everything (in pursuit of a noble ultimate goal). Learn how they did it in this excerpt from Robert Rose’s new book.

5 Highlights You May Have Missed at Content Marketing World

Where is content marketing going? How can you forge a path ahead? Catch some of the breakthrough thoughts emerging at this week’s Content Marketing World.

How To Find (and Close) the Hidden Gaps in Your Content Strategy

Your content marketing has holes that you can’t see. They may manifest themselves from the beginning or materialize over time. But no matter how they started, it’s time to identify and fill them in with a content gap analysis.

The Ecopreneurs: A Win-Win-Win-Win for Salesforce, FORTUNE Brand Studio, Entrepreneurs, and Audiences

Salesforce and FORTUNE Brand Studio partnered to create The Ecopreneurs, an 11-episode series for Salesforce+ whose impact went far beyond the streaming platform. Here’s how this Project of the Year finalist turned long-form storytelling into big results.