AI Content Tools Can’t Be Stupid or Smart, But Content Creators Can [Rose-Colored Glasses]
May 2, 2023
Robert Rose
Stop buying into the trope, “AI won’t replace you, but someone using AI will.” Yes, humans are the differentiator but not like that (unless you have a misguided boss).
Why Communication Matters More Than Creativity for Long-Term Content Success [Rose-Colored Glasses]
April 25, 2023
Robert Rose
Short-term agility and speed could spell trouble for the long-term success of an innovative content marketing project if you focus too much on the content and not enough on the internal communication plan.
For a Better Customer Experience, Make Your Buying Process Less Efficient (Yes, Really) [Rose-Colored Glasses]
April 18, 2023
Robert Rose
Over the last two decades, marketers have worked hard to reduce or remove friction in the buying process. But what if that’s a mistake? A recent delivery from Domino’s prompts Robert Rose to explain why.
How a Weak Point of View Sabotages Your Content – and What To Do About It [Rose-Colored Glasses]
April 11, 2023
Robert Rose
The authors of an open letter from the Future of Life Institute damaged their own message when they didn’t help readers realize their best next experience.
Take This Step To Get Over Your Fear of Content Collaboration [Rose-Colored Glasses]
April 4, 2023
Robert Rose
It’s not easy to overcome the collaboration fears that keep teams from working together. But giving everyone visibility into the content plans can help your organization produce more and better content. Robert Rose explains.
Fill Your Content With Visions Your Audience Will Want To Chase [Rose-Colored Glasses]
March 28, 2023
Robert Rose
What can marketers learn from Matthew McConaughey’s Oscar acceptance speech? Robert Rose has some thoughts for today and the future.
Why Remarkable Content Originates From an Unremarkable Process [Rose-Colored Glasses]
March 21, 2023
Robert Rose
Can you create remarkable content without a process (and people who create and follow processes)? Robert Rose says you can't – no matter what Steve Jobs once claimed. Here's why.
Can Your Marketing Team Generate True Demand To Really Start the Customer Journey? [Rose-Colored Glasses]
March 14, 2023
Robert Rose
Does true demand generation get the support it deserves from your brand? The kind that propelled millions to buy a Rubik’s Cube, a Toyota Corolla, or even an iPhone? Robert Rose explains why true demand gen is a must.
Why ‘Let’s Make a Movie’ Is a Terrible Way to Plan Content [Rose-Colored Glasses]
March 7, 2023
Robert Rose
George Lucas wanted to make a sci-fi movie, so he dreamed up a great story to fit the medium. But that format-first approach doesn’t work for content marketing. Robert Rose explains why not – and what to do instead.
Start With Content To Deliver a Successful Integrated Marketing Strategy [Rose-Colored Glasses]
February 28, 2023
Robert Rose
Content teams face increasing demands to create. But what rarely comes after those requests is an interest in uniting for an integrated marketing strategy. Robert Rose shares why that’s a big mistake and how to change it.
AI Tools Bug Out Because the Internet Can Never Forget [Rose-Colored Glasses]
February 21, 2023
Robert Rose
You don’t need a perfect memory. But remember that the internet has one – and so do the AI content tools that depend on it. But what happens when they remember incorrect information that affects your content program?
Get Common First If You Want To Develop a Great Content Strategy [Rose-Colored Glasses]
February 14, 2023
Robert Rose
Does your business have a good handle on what you mean by an e-book, white paper, video, etc.? What about a common understanding of thought leadership, advertising, and sales content? If not, your content strategy likely won’t work.
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