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3 Fixes for Your Engagement Measurement Mistakes

Are you making these three mistakes when measuring engagement? If you’re analyzing reach, time on page, and shares, you are. Here’s how to do it better.

7 Social Media Marketing Metrics That Should Really Matter to Your Brand

Used thoughtfully, your social media analytics provide a peek into what your audience expects from your brand – and how well your social content delivers that. Dig into these seven metrics that matter.

How to Make the Content Marketing Case With ROI

How do you gain executive (and budget) support for content marketing? And how can do you answer the inevitable ROI question before you even really get going? Here’s some insight and help on how to do it.

101+ Key Performance Indicators and Tips – Make the Best KPI Choices

A long list of key performance indicators (KPIs) can be overwhelming, but don’t let that stop you from reading. You don’t need to use them all. You just need to use them wisely.

Will the Real ROI in Content Please Stand Up

Can you really measure the ROI of content marketing? Yes, if you realize that most of marketing isn’t actually an investment. Here’s what you should be thinking about before you answer the ROI question.

Google Analytics Report: 4 You Need to Know

Don’t get overwhelmed by the data in Google Analytics. Four reports can give you most of the information you need for your content marketing. Learn which ones you should know, as well as the how to find and act on their data.

Don't Miss Out on These 7 Ways to Use Your Social Media Data

Social shares often get lost in the data shuffle. To uncover the hidden gems in that data, you must use social-sharing data in your content marketing program. Here are seven ideas to get started.

Why You Need Better Conversion Tracking to Win the Sales Game

Before hurrying to generate the next 100 B2B leads, get your conversion tracking in order. The former may keep the sales team happy this month, but the latter makes the entire organization successful over the long term.

12 Expert Ideas to Improve Your Content Marketing for Better Leads

Done strategically, content marketing is a good way to generate leads in a cost-effective way. If lead generation is a goal of your brand, read on for a dozen ideas on how to do it well from industry experts.

Are You Measuring Right in Your Content Marketing?

How you measure the past influences how you shape the future. Yet some commonly used metrics give the illusion of 24-karat success when they’re not much more than fool’s gold. Do you know what content marketing success really looks like?

11 Things to Do Every Month to Boost Your Conversion Rates

How do you improve your conversion rates month after month? Do these 11 tasks regularly to keep upping the ante because even if your conversion rate outperforms every competitor, you still want better numbers.

How to Know If Your Content Impacts Brand Awareness [Tools]

Not all content types work if your goal is brand awareness. Learn what formats work best and then discover four ways – plus the tools – to track their impact.