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Junta42 Releases New Top Blogs List – TopRank Blog Sneaks By Copyblogger

We’re excited to announce the fourth installment of the Junta42 Top 42 Content Marketing blogs. Congratulations this month goes to Lee Odden and the team from TopRank Online Marketing, whose Online Marketing Blog just squeaked by Brian Clark’s Copyblogger (which held the #1 position for the last two updates).

This quarter’s update included a record 187 blogs, up from 172 last quarter. In addition, the Junta42 Top 42 are now featured as part of the content marketing category at (which will be updated soon with the new 42).

Click here to see the news release, which will be distributed on Monday.

Click here to see the entire Top 42 Content Marketing blogs.  To view the selection criteria, click here.

Again, congratulations to the Top 42, and keep up the great work!

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