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Marketing Shoelaces

No one seems exactly sure when, but shoelaces became popular sometime in the 20th century to better tighten shoes, replacing buckles and buttons (which were slow and cumbersome). Shoelaces are odd to me.  The technology exists today that we can manufacture any type of shoe, dress, casual or sport, without...

100 Social Media & Content Marketing Predictions for 2010

Some things amaze me, like this year’s social media and content marketing predictions list.  What does one sent email and two tweets equal?  Over 100 predictions from 60+ of the best and the brightest in marketing, content marketing, custom publishing and social media.  No kidding!  Just check...

Why Print isn't going anywhere for a long, long time...

We’ll be here someday with electronic, but this makes the case for why print is still an essential tool for most of us.  Enjoy!

Crowdsourcing Content Marketing – Oxymoron or Killer App?

Thanks to Rick Liebling, a long-time Junta42 supporter, for this provocative guest post.  Connect with Rick @eyecube. While those of us who are believers in Content Marketing have been diligently spreading the word, proponents of crowdsourcing have been screaming from the rooftops with all the subtlety...

The Pros and Cons of User-Generated Content

  Thanks to Dara Solomon, Community Manager at, for putting this timely piece together on user-generated content. More and more, marketers are asking how or if user-generated content should fit into their overall content marketing strategy. Dara provides a good overview below to help...

10 Corporate Blogging Tips and Strategies

Ambal from Click Documents asked me if I had any tips/strategies for corporate blogging.  The presentation below is a corporate blogging basics presentation useful for beginning bloggers.  That said, here are the main takeaways.  For more indepth understanding of a content marketing strategy, this content...

Top 10 Twitter Basics Questions Answered

Just about every day I answer a question about using Twitter, the microblogging tool. I’ve put them together in this handy post.  Enjoy, and, if you like getting information on content marketing, feel free to follow me @juntajoe. Question #1 What is the easiest way to find someone’s @ name?...

Custom Print Magazines - Why Can't MasterCard Produce Inc. Magazine?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been reading more print magazines lately.  Seems odd at first, but in a way, it makes perfect sense. I spend most of my business day and night on the computer. When I’m on my computer, I need to get things done. But when I want to relax and engage in...

Less of Me, More of You - A Stella Pop Content Marketing Video

Big thanks to Mike O’Grady at Stella Pop for putting out the latest edition of eVidmagazine featuring yours truly.   Although Mike was originally thinking a two or three minute video interview, he decided that the video worked best as a 10 minute segment.  Hey, he’s the expert,...

Personal Branding Success in 15 Steps

Dan Schawbel has put together a first-rate magazine about personal branding called (of course) Personal Branding Magazine. The latest issue includes an article from yours truly, which I’ve included below.  I also included one of my PowerPoint presentations when I do in-person workshops on...

Why Content Marketing? - The Video

Gijs Daemen from Merge Media, a Netherlands-based content marketing shop, did a bang-up job putting this video together on content marketing. The original presentation was directed to his customers in the Netherlands. Questions I answer in the video: What is Content Marketing? Why Content Marketing? ...

Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) on Content Marketing and Growing Your Business

Gary Vaynerchuck, author of the new book Crush it! and the popular Wine Library TV (where he gets over 100,000 viewers a day), was kind enough to put this video together on content marketing for the Junta42 audience. Thanks Gary! A quick overview: Most important message to his followers: Patience. It...