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Stories By Ann Gynn


30+ Marketing Tools for Research, Engagement, Measurement, Workflow, and Visuals

Is your content marketing toolbox empty? Is it so overcrowded that you can’t find anything to help? Content Marketing World presenters are here to help. These daily practitioners reveal the 30+ tools that help them the most.

80 Ideas to Improve Your Content Marketing

What should you be doing with your content marketing right now? First, spend a few minutes to glance at this list of 80 things to improve your program. Spoiler alert: None of the experts advise you to “just create more content.”

How Content Marketing Has Evolved in Six Years

The field of content marketing has evolved in the past several years, which is why we asked some CMWorld presenters what’s changed and why you should care.

How to Tell If Your Content Marketing Is Working: Tips From 22 Experts

How do you know your content marketing is working? Most responding CMWorld presenters say the first step is to detail the “why” behind the program. From there, their tips are wide-ranging, from measuring everything to taking a picture.

38+ Examples of Brands Doing Great Content

Uncover the valuable content marketing gems beyond Red Bull, GoPro, and BlendTec. Content Marketing World presenters share 38 brands that are getting it right, from blogs and newsletters, to websites and search.

The Building Blocks of Engaging Content: Definitions, Measurements, and Advice From Experts 

We all need to make our content engaging, but what does that mean? How do you create it? How do you know it’s working? Some of the experts speaking at Content Marketing World share ideas that you can tailor for your organization.

Content Forecast Calls for Users, Search Engines, Customization, and More

Content marketers must be more like meteorologists than fortune tellers. Forget gazing into a crystal ball to see the future, we must make educated forecasts. Reading these 15 insights will help a lot more than asking the Magic 8 Ball.
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12+ Ways to Use Web Analytics for Better Content Marketing

Bounce rates, time on site, page views – the availability of data about your website can astound even the best content marketer. How do you know what data is important and how to analyze it for your needs? The experts share their tips.

Content Marketing Leaders Reveal Their Helpful Hacks

A hack references a clever solution to a tricky problem. When the tricky problem is content marketing, what are the clever solutions used by the experts? Fifteen share their hacks for productivity, inspiration, curation, and more.

How to Grow Your Subscribers: 19 Experts Weigh In

Building a strong subscriber base takes work, but the payoff is great – an enthusiastic audience and better numbers to show the impact of your content marketing efforts. To help grow your subscribers, 19 experts share their tips.

More Than Personas: How to Know What Your Audience Really Wants

We know our content marketing only works when our audience responds to it. Beyond personas, how can you really, really understand what your audience wants? Answers from Content Marketing World presenters fall into 3 categories.

Changing Times: Finance Marketing Evolves With Content

What’s happening with content marketing in the financial services sector? Discover how industry marketers use content marketing and what they find works well. Learn the lessons, see the examples, and take away essential tips.