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Stories By Ann Gynn


How To Find External Sources To Create Trustworthy Content

Third-party sources can elevate content with diverse viewpoints, examples, and experiences. In turn, your audience is more likely to recognize your brand as a publisher, not just a vendor. Here’s how to do that.

3 Tips To Create Case Studies That Turn Prospects Into Buyers [Examples]

Prospects want you to tell them a story in the middle of their buyer journey. Great case studies let you do just that – and it’s why over one-third of B2B content marketers say it’s an effective tactic.

5 Newsletter Lessons for More Fruitful Content (and a Community-Building Fail)

Ocean Spray created the Cranberry Club to attract subscribers. But would the holiday berry deliver year-round? Find that answer and other content marketing takeaways from one club member who happens to be a content marketer.

Have a Feedback Strategy? You Better Because Your Audience Is Watching

How you engage with your audience’s positive and negative feedback can make a difference in how people feel and think about your brand. That’s why you need to craft a feedback engagement strategy.

Mastering the Art of Smartphone Video: Expert Tips for Pro-Quality Footage

Over half of marketers say they need more budget to get better-than-average results from their video content. But that financial boost may not be necessary with these tips to shoot quality video from a mobile phone.

How To Interview a Job Candidate in a Style Fit for a Content Marketer

Stop asking questions when you interview content marketing candidates. Yes, that’s right. Kick the Q-and-Q format to the curb. Instead, try this technique to better assess your next content marketing team member.

Foolish Content Isn’t Limited to One Day a Year

Many brands will run content “jokes” on April Fools’ Day. But foolish content knows no time of year. We looked at content from six brands to see who’s fooling around (and who isn’t). Do you agree?

5 Misunderstood Best Practices in Content Marketing

Almost everybody loves best practices. But too many equate “best” with “infallible” or “in every circumstance.” Have you ever fallen into one of these five best practice traps in content marketing?

Writer Ends 10-Year Relationship With HARO To Keep Trusted Relationship With Audience

A content writer ends her 10-year relationship with HARO, once her go-to for sources. Her experience offers a lesson in vetting and verifying for all content marketers.

Should the News Disrupt Your Content Plans? Here’s How To Decide

Unexpected bad news may not directly affect your brand, but it may affect your audience. That means you need to evaluate critically – and consider adjusting – your content marketing calendar. Here’s a quiz to assess the situation.

Is Twitter Still a Thing for Content Marketers in 2023?

Now that Twitter’s “new normal” has taken hold, brand reaction is evolving. To what degree? Marketers share what they’re doing (and not doing) – and they don’t all agree.

How an Honest Talk With ChatGPT Surprised Even a Veteran Editor

We asked ChatGPT some hard questions about content marketing. And the AI text-creation tool didn’t disappoint. Read on to see what it had to say (and what we said behind its back.)