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Martech Mania Brings International Celebration and Over 11,000 Solutions

How much marketing technology do you need?

Apparently, more, more, and more.

And you need to celebrate it.

This week, Scott Brinker released the 2023 edition of the Martech Landscape Map – with a whopping 11,038 solutions. And on Tuesday, the world celebrated International Martech Day. (Sorry, we couldn’t find a Hallmark card to send to all of you martech professionals in the audience.)

In case you’re unfamiliar with the martech landscape map, Scott, the editor at and vice president of platform ecosystem at HubSpot, started it in 2011 with 150 solutions.

The 2023 edition of the Martech Landscape Map encompasses over 11,000 solutions via @Robert_Rose @CMIContent.
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Each year, it has grown exponentially. As a result, Scott usually launches a new way to view the data. This year, he published a technology-capability heat map (registration required), which reveals the most popular capabilities, including “personalization.”

You can search the map by category, rating, number of employees, and more parameters to look at the 11,000-plus solutions more easily.

CMI’s chief strategy advisor Robert Rose shared his thoughts in this week’s CMI News video. Watch it below or keep reading for the highlights.

Trends in this year’s martech landscape map

Before diving into the trends, CMI’s chief strategy advisor Robert Rose gives kudos to Scott for creating and continuing to evolve one of the two most remarkable examples of B2B content marketing. (The Edelman Trust Barometer is the other.)

Now for two of the trends revealed in the map. reports more companies want to acquire technology to enable a two-way flow between data warehouses and frontline solutions like customer data platforms.

“In businesses of all sizes, the idea of a ‘data warehouse’ in marketing might as well be a starship,” Robert says. “Aligning or de-siloing data for audiences, customers, and content consumption remain a struggle for most brands – even the biggest companies on the planet.”

Though some big initiatives have helped the data flow better, companies seek a single source of data truth. They don’t seek more solutions to do it. The single source could be a customer relationship management (CRM) platform, a marketing automation solution, a customer data platform, or a combination.

Companies seek a single source of data truth – not more solutions to do it, says @Robert_Rose via @CMIContent.
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The martech map indicates another trend with its emerging categories – digital experience, commerce, and customer data platforms. Robert explains, “It just makes sense to find a single source of truth for the content, too. By storing and making all the marketing content, it can service all different interfaces.”

Interestingly, the trends indicate most businesses should prioritize how they manage content and the data it produces before AI, analytics, and personalization. “It’s like prioritizing the repairs for the plumbing and electrical in your house. Though you can hardly see them, they are the most important thing you can do to live safely and comfortably at home,” Robert says.

Most businesses should prioritize #content and data management before AI, analytics, and personalization, says @Robert_Rose via @CMIContent.
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Take a look at the martech landscape to see what’s happening with tools today. And let us know in the comments your thoughts on this question: What are your most essential technologies to implement and create single sources of truth?

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Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute