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Stories By Fi Shailes


How To Avoid Common Slip-ups With Your B2B Social Ad Creative [Examples]

Stop creating one-star social ads for your five-star content promotions. Check out these tips with examples from brands that know how to do it.

How Social Listening Differentiates Brand Content

This woefully underused audience research tactic lets you spy on your competitors, monitor your industry space, and identify the voices in your sector. It’s time to amp up your social listening efforts.

5 Fixes to Help Avoid Content Bottlenecks

We all know the dream, right? We create and distribute amazing, engaging content because we had: Sufficient time to develop it Effortless collaboration Efficient processes We all know the reality, right? We endure strict deadlines, spend way too long getting buy-in and approvals, and see new content requests pile up. We also continuously fight the good fight for developing worthy, value-rich content for the brand. In 2020, we inherited a few more obstacles to keep everything moving and staying connected to the wider organization to ensure ongoing buy-in support for content marketing. While we can’t solve everything, we can work to fix the bottlenecks that make the dream a lot closer to reality.Continue reading