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Stories By Jodi Harris

Start Your 2015 'Up-My-Game' Plan for Content Marketing

There’s always time to up your game when it comes to content marketing. If you want to start the new year feeling prepared and ready to tackle any content marketing challenges that come your way, read on for some killer ideas.

15 Ways Content Marketing Rocked Our World in 2014 [Examples]

Every Wednesday the CMI team shares a favorite content marketing example that shakes things up and stands apart from the pack. We compiled 15 killer efforts that inspired in ’14 and make us certain we'll see more epic content in ’15.

A Behind-the-Scenes Analysis of Social Media Content Trends

Even just a casual glance at sharing data can reveal social media patterns and potential worth examining in more detail. Use CMI’s review of its top-performing Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn posts to help inform your own evaluation.

A Cornucopia of Content Marketing Inspiration

To show our thanks for the resources that help us stay informed, the CMI team shares a list of those we rely on to support our content marketing (and personal) missions. We couldn’t do our jobs without these influencers and resources.

A Content Marketer’s Checklist: Editorial Calendar Essentials

Even the most stalwart of tools in the content marketer’s arsenal – the editorial calendar – has transformed itself over the years. To help you stay in step with the progress, here’s a set of tips, tools, templates, and takeaways.

The Visual Content Inspiration You Need: Standout Examples

Successful content marketing doesn't just involve writing and technology decisions. Strong Images are also essential. We asked our panel of CMI blog contributors, training instructors, and Content Marketing World speakers, "What's the most innovative or interesting example you've seen of visual content marketing?" Take a look at the standout examples of visual content they find worthy of praise.

Killer Content Creation: Learning from Inspiring Brands

Plenty of B2B businesses are achieving great success through their content creation efforts. We asked a group of CMI blog contributors, online training instructors, and Content Marketing World speakers to tell us which brands they think are killing it in the content game. Find out which brands most inspire them to be better content marketers themselves.

How to Make Content Creation a Benefit for Your Team—Not a Burden

These days, everyone is a brand evangelist. But what about your workforce? Is your business doing enough to engage its employees in your content creation efforts? Get some tips from industry experts on how to make content creation a benefit — and not a burden — for your team.

How to Find the Right Writer for Content Creation

Many B2B organizations are outsourcing content creation to stay in step with consumers' voracious appetites for relevant news, information, and advice. CMI asked a group of blog contributors, Online Training instructors, and Content Marketing World speakers for tips on vetting writers. Find out how to find the right writer for your content creation needs.

The Makings of an Effective Content Marketing Team: Experts Weigh In

What skills and characteristics should organizations be looking for when building an effective content marketing team? Take a look at the advice shared by several experts who spoke at Content Marketing World 2013.

Should Your Content Marketing Process Make Room for Big Data?

Should your content marketing process make room for Big Data? It was a hot topic at Content Marketing World 2013, with some calling it crucial and others finding it to be overhyped. CMI asked several industry experts who spoke at the recent event to weigh in on the importance of Big Data. Find out where they stand on the issue.

Visual Content: Which Brands Are Showing Marketers How It's Done?

We asked the experts -- speakers at this week's Content Marketing World event -- to weigh in on who stands out on visual content platforms. Find out which brands are showing marketers how it's done when it comes to creating engaging visual content.