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Stories By Content Marketing Institute Team


You Can Get a Brand Authority Score Now, But What Does It Really Tell You?

This week, Moz launched the Brand Authority score. It’s designed to measure a company’s strength and salience. But it also might show something else. Explore more about the brand value metrics that matter to brands.

Twitter’s Rebrand Is on Fire (and It’s Not Glorious)

Twitter’s rebrand to X tells a story. Is it a story they want to be told? Is it a story they planned? Probably not. Is it a story marketers can learn from? Most definitely.
Barbie meme representing the marketing genius of newsjacking

This Barbie Inspired a Newsjacking Frenzy – B2B Marketers Should Study It

Barbie-related newsjacking exploded with the movie’s worldwide success. But can your brand be successful with newsjacking (Barbie or no Barbie)? Robert Rose explains the key ingredient you’ll need.
Clock face representing the lifespan of news content

Research Says These Two Choices Determine Your Content’s Shelf Life

Recent research finds news articles deliver 80% of their lifetime value in the first week. What does that mean for your content plans? Robert Rose explains.

Meta Threads’ Rapid Rise Proves the Power of an Owned Audience

How did Threads get to 100-plus million users this past week? It started with Instagram’s 2-plus billion. Despite those mammoth numbers, Threads debut can teach every content marketer a practical lesson.

Beware: Automated AI-Generated Content Can Ruin Everything for Marketers

Marketers in your industry will weaponize automated AI-created content to come after your search traffic and tell your brand’s story. Are you prepared for the fight?

Don’t Let Economic Predictions Stop Your Marketing in the Months Ahead

Experts disagree on where the economy is headed. But that shouldn’t stop marketers from sailing upwind and making the rest of 2023 count by doing these things.
A chess piece and gear representing strategy and tech for content tool purchases.

4 ContentTECH Summit Takeaways for a Better Marketing Tech Strategy

ContentTECH Summit featured deep dives into many tech trends and tips this week, from video to SEO to (of course) AI. Robert Rose recaps a few of the highlights – and offers his take on the one question to answer before you even think about buying any new technology.

Take a Marketing Messaging Lesson From Sesame Street This Pride Month

You’ll never create successful marketing if you ask how to create a memorable message that resonates with all audiences. That lesson was learned this month in the reaction to Pride celebrations by brands, including Bud Light and Sesame Street.

Company Culture Importance Rises; Changing It Requires New Thinking

New research indicates that almost every leader expects company culture's importance to increase this year. Yet, they may not have the necessary thinking or strategy to improve theirs.

Does a Rise in Chief Strategy Officers’ Role Give Hope for Chief Content Officers?

New insights from Deloitte’s fascinating 2023 Chief Strategy Officer Survey should have implications for content marketing’s role in businesses.

Is Marketing Climate Change Coming? Or Is It Already Here?

Gartner released a new survey of CMOs that indicates a shift from search advertising and a lack of budget to achieve strategies in 2023. Consider what that means for the rest of this year and beyond.