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Get the Most From Your Webinars With These 13 Repurposing Ideas

B2B content marketers say webinars rank as the most effective tactic. They attract attention, leads, and engagement.

That success doesn’t have to end when the webinar does. And yet only 48% of marketers say they planned to use their webinar content after the event, according to an Omnipress report. Repurposing the webinars into a multitude of formats lets you reach new audiences, reinforce messaging with previous attendees, and promote your brand’s expertise on the topic.

Repurpose your webinars into a multitude of content formats to attract new audiences, reinforce messaging, and promote your brand’s expertise, says Alona Shalieieva of @GetProspect_com via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

Let’s explore some of the options.

1. Create content for social media

Creating videos is the most straightforward example of how to turn webinar materials into engaging content. You can use the recording to develop Instagram Reels or large clips for social media.

Chop the juiciest parts and add text. In this Twitter post, BrightTalk uses a snippet from episode one of The Studio series to promote registration for episode two:

In this case, the video answers the question posed in the tweet: Should videos be created around who your ultimate prospect is for B2B engagement?

You can apply this example to Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok. The video length should be between 15 and 60 seconds.

Or you can take chop up your webinar into multiple mini versions to use for educational and/or promotional purposes. Consider adding to your YouTube channel as lemlist does:

Turn your webinars into a #YouTube channel like @lemlist does, says Alona Shalieieva of @GetProspect_com via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

2. Transform into a podcast

Your webinar can become a podcast if you separate the audio file from the video file. The most successful webinar-turned-podcast benefits from a more structured concept. Before you record the webinar, inform speakers that it will be repurposed as a podcast. That way, they can explain visuals that a webinar audience could see but a podcast audience couldn’t.

Or you could ask the speaker to record a podcast after the webinar so they could continue the topic and, perhaps, answer more questions posed by the community.

3. Write an article

Act like a reporter by covering the webinar for your blog or other content hub. In this example, the Asian Institute of Management wrote up the key takeaways from their event (and promoted it) on LinkedIn:

4. Share the unplanned surprises

Though unusual, something can happen in a webinar that’s unexpected but worth further mention or celebration.

During a live webinar, Rappler’s CEO found out she was a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. They shared that moment with audiences who didn’t get to see it in real time:

 5. Use quotes for emphasis content

Quotes from webinar speakers are great for defining the focus and attracting attention.

Though this Instagram example from the United Nations comes from a meeting, not a webinar, it shows the opportunity. The statement is the visual accompanied by a longer text excerpt in the caption:


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by United Nations (@unitednations)

TIP: You can turn quotes from your webinars into a quote-of-the-day program, encompassing the text and/or video clip as a recurring feature on social media.

Turn quotes from your #webinars into a quote-of-the-day program as a recurring feature on #SocialMedia, says Alona Shalieieva of @GetProspect_com via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

6. Publish an e-book

Many webinars use slide decks to help their audience follow along. If well detailed and well structured, this content can be inserted into a standard e-book template. With the addition of an intro, table of contents, and conclusion, you’re ready to publish the e-book.

Transform a presentation slide deck into an e-book. Just add an intro, table of contents, and conclusion, says Alona Shalieieva of @GetProspect_com via @CMIContent. Click To Tweet

Not ready to do an e-book? Create a shareable link for the slide deck and promote it in your newsletter, blog, or on social media.

TIP: Get permission from the presenter to use their slide deck in other formats.

7. Start a discussion

Audience questions can be a valuable source of post-webinar content. Look how Jayant Bhaat, an advocate from New Delhi, took a question he was asked during a webinar to drive a conversation on LinkedIn:

If you have a lot of questions asked in your webinar (or over multiple webinars), you can create an FAQ article or page.

More ways

You don’t have to stop at those suggestions. Here are a few more webinar options:

  • Get a transcript from the webinar and edit it into an article.
  • Take the research, stats, and other numbers shared and create an infographic.
  • Transform the webinar into a course that could be used as a lead magnet.
  • Use snippets from the webinar to create a sequence that could be used in an automated drip campaign.
  • Give access to the recorded webinar to existing subscribers – or allow new subscribers who sign up to view it.
  • Cut a short excerpt that could be used to introduce a blog article on the same topic in a newsletter.

Do more than a webinar

You put a lot of effort to create, promote, and execute a webinar. It only makes sense to do more with that content. Even if you pick only one or two of these ideas, the benefit to your brand and audience will be far greater than the original one-time event.

Watch dozens of video presentations and expand your content marketing knowledge. Sign up for Content Marketing World on demand. Sessions available through Dec. 31.

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute