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Global Trends in Marketing Localization for 2023

Global marketers feel pressure to deliver quality multilingual content at speed and scale. New research from Unbabel uncovers six marketing localization trends that reveal how they’re meeting these challenges. Here’s a preview of the key findings.

10 Steps To Optimize Images for SEO

Words get all the attention for SEO. But images are important, too. Consider these 10 tips to make your images shine in the eyes of search engines and users.

How To Avoid Going Down Google's Instant Answer Search Trap

Don’t throw everything into a zero-click SEO strategy. And don’t give up on earning higher rankings in search engine results. Reflect on these 10 ideas to operate in the modern Google search environment.

Email Marketing: Why You Need an Unsubscribe Strategy

As email service providers make it easier for people to opt out of emails, evolve your unsubscribe strategy, so it works for both your brand and your audience.

How To Ensure Optimal Visual Experiences Across Devices

Maximizing your content resources by adopting the COPE method – create once, publish everywhere – is a smart decision. Even smarter? COPE-M. It’s critical to ensure a great visual experience on every device.

4 Metrics Not To Be Missed in Your Next Content Audit

Think beyond traffic when evaluating your site’s content. Here are four metrics that you should consider adding to your content audits.

Time for a Content Reboot? Here’s How To Tell [Rose-Colored Glasses]

A great content strategy should shape and change what you’ve said in the past – and what you’ll say in the future. Robert Rose explains how to reboot your strategy (with a little help from your fans).

How To Create a Powerful Headline in 7 Simple Steps

Effective headlines are essential for the success of any article but creating them can be tricky. They must be powerful, concise, and work for your audience. This seven-point plan can help you do just that.

Put These Call-to-Action Tips on Your Favorites List

Calls to action can provide a gateway to deeper content exploration and increased conversions. Follow these expert tips to create CTAs that compel your audience to respond.

Take Binary Bias Out of Your Content Conversations

Transgender and nonbinary consumers often feel ignored in brand content conversations. Here are simple steps to make them feel more welcomed, along with examples from brands leading the way.

5 Steps You Can Take Now To Make Future Content Updates Easier

If you dread content audits, take preventive measures now. A forward-thinking process will let you quickly find content to update – and may even make updates unnecessary altogether. Ann Gynn explains how.

5 Reasons Why Your Landing Page Conversions Don’t Bump Up When Traffic Jumps

When a jump in traffic to your landing page doesn’t lead to an increase in conversions, it’s time to investigate. Here are five of the most common pitfalls.