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6 Content Assets You Can Add To Make Your Blog Post a Link Magnet

Asking blogs to link to your content is a frustrating – and poor – link-building strategy. A better strategy is to invest the time in crafting content that will motivate them to incorporate your valuable links in their text.

How To Create a LinkedIn Employee Advocacy Program To Drive Results

People buy from people, not companies. That’s why employee advocacy on LinkedIn can be a powerful and effective form of marketing.

How To Avoid Common Slip-ups With Your B2B Social Ad Creative [Examples]

Stop creating one-star social ads for your five-star content promotions. Check out these tips with examples from brands that know how to do it.

5 Reasons Why Your Landing Page Conversions Don’t Bump Up When Traffic Jumps

When a jump in traffic to your landing page doesn’t lead to an increase in conversions, it’s time to investigate. Here are five of the most common pitfalls.

How To Choose the Best Distribution Channels for Your Content

Thoughtful distribution gives your content its best chance of achieving success. But how do you know which channels and platforms to use? Follow this guide to ensure your choices align with your marketing goals and audience needs.

6 Old-School Techniques To Integrate Into Your Influencer Marketing

Shiny tech tools can be attractive to your influencer marketing program. But don’t forget these old-school techniques that can illuminate your relationship-building success.

How the Right SEO Plan Can Revive Website Rankings and Traffic

If you don’t proactively troubleshoot or actively execute your SEO plan, you won’t get the organic traffic your site deserves. Here are 11 quick hits to create a successful SEO plan.

3 Ways To Use PR To Win Media Attention for Your Content [Examples]

A public relations strategy built around your content helps both PR and marketing teams meet their goals. To make it work, everyone should understand what kind of content outreach works best, which media outlets to target, and how best to approach them. Three successful content publicists explain.

Influencer Marketing Experts Pick Their Favorite Tools To Manage Their Programs

An influencer marketing strategy isn’t easy. You have to find relevant and credible influencers and measure the influencers’ impact. And you must keep it going day after day. Here are 13-plus expert-recommended tools to help you do that.

Yet Another Reason Not To Build Your Content Home on Rented Land [Rose-Colored Glasses]

Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover feels like an opportune moment to reflect on this content marketing advice: Don’t build your home on rented land. But that phrase might not mean what you think it means for your content program.

Organic Search Traffic: One of the Best Reasons for Content Marketing

SEO constantly changes. But what doesn’t change are the benefits of organic search to meet your content marketing’s organizational goals.

How To Make Paid Content Promotion Pay Off for Your Content Marketing

Promoted content drives stronger performance. Here are tips to help with paid search, native advertising, influencer marketing, and social media platform advertising on Meta platforms, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok.