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Trends Driving Automotive Content in 2017

Few industries are subject to as much consumer scrutiny and marketing complexity as the automotive category. Follow these tips, insights, and examples to make sure your content efforts make it into buyers' consideration set.

Story Structure Guide for Content Marketers

Best-selling fiction authors know something that you ought to know too if you want to be heard. We talk a lot about storytelling in the content marketing industry. But how much do we really know about it? Let’s start with these lessons.

Quality Content: Definitions and Creation Tips From 35+ Experts

Quality wins over quantity. More than 35 experts from Google, Microsoft, REI, Monster, agencies, government, and more share what quality content means to them and share tips to help you enhance your content too.

How REI Is Unlocking the Power of Long-Form Video

REI has a uniquely powerful opportunity for producing amazing video, but its managing editor Paolo Mottolo – Content Marketer of the Year finalist – believes any brand can get similar results if it approaches video the right way.

Excellence in Content Marketing: Be Inspired by Some of our Judges’ Favs

Excellence in content marketing involves many things – audience, intent, format, design, ROI, and more. Learn six of the central themes seen in the winning entries of the 2017 Content Marketing Awards, which were announced today.

Content Marketers in Sports and Showbiz: Examples and Tips to Help You Win Loyal Fans

If you’re a content marketer in the sports and entertainment field, you know it’s not all fun and games. Here are a few things – and some examples – to help you win more loyal fans and influence purchases in this landscape.

How to Beat the Battle of an Ineffective Blog

Considering how powerful a role blogs can play in achieving content marketing goals, it's somewhat surprising to see such a gap between those who use it and those who rank it the top factor of success. Here are some ideas to bridge that gap.

How Technology Content Marketers Can Earn Trust [Tips and Examples]

Their products and services may be in high demand, but technology marketers don't have it easy when it comes to earning the audience's interest, trust, and budget. Here are some tips that can help.

Higher Education: How to Raise Your Content Marketing Game

Most marketers in higher education can’t focus on the traditional buyer’s journey. Many of their buyers (i.e., parents) never attend class. Discover solutions to unique and common challenges faced in higher education content marketing.

Print’s Very Much Alive: Magazine Examples From 9 Brands

One in four B2B companies have print magazines, and print ranks as a top contributor to their content marketing success. Discover how nine B2B companies are breathing life into their print magazines.

Customer Testimonials: 9 Content Strategies for Success

Research reveals 70% of people will trust a recommendation from a stranger before buying. How are you using that invaluable social proof in your content marketing? Check out these 9 strategies and tips on how to execute testimonials.

Content Marketing Is No Leisurely Feat in the Travel Industry

Travel and tourism content marketing isn't just about fare deals and high-flying adventures. Take a look at the challenges along with some golden opportunities to give your audience an experience they'll never forget.