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An Alternative Approach to Developing Content Marketing Personas

Audiences are not just buyers. They may help us connect with new customers. They may amplify our reach. They may strengthen our trust with other audience members. That’s why we must change the way we go about developing our personas.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Audience Development

In 2017, Intel’s iQ digital magazine team borrowed a page from the traditional media playbook – focusing on sustaining loyal readers rather than getting more eyeballs. Luke Kintigh, Intel IQ’s head of publishing, shares how they did it.

How to Grow Your Audience From Zero to Millions in Less Than 5 Years

If your brand is struggling to build an audience (or just wants to boost your efforts), take note of the Quartz team experience in this case study. It starts with thinking of your content marketing team as a media company within the brand.

For the Love of Libraries: How Libraries Use Content to Tell New Stories

Marketers live by the mantra “you can’t be all things to all people.” But that’s what a library does. How do they do that with content marketing? Learn how one Ohio library tackles the challenge in strategic, fun, and creative ways.

How to Stop Acting Like a Marketer and Start Acting Like a Publisher

How do traditional marketers make the switch from a marketer’s mindset to a publisher’s one? Intel iQ’s head of publishing and managing editor explain how their team did it over a five-year evolution.

How to Better Understand the Size and Composition of Your B2B Audience

Do you know if you’re wasting great content on the wrong people? If you want a more valuable audience, use proven audience measurement methods to better understand the size, composition, and preferences of your audience.

Less Brand, More Identity: The Zombie Business Cure

Do your brand and identity align? Or is your company a zombie that does whatever it takes to keep going? Learn how to avoid (or cure) your zombie-like behavior by making brand and identity work together in your content.

How to Adopt a Customer-Centric Strategy for Your Content

If products hog the spotlight in your content, opportunities are missed to build customer relationships and revenue. Learn how one company’s customer-centric content framework led to better results for the business and its customers.

Looking for Content Strategy Buy-In? Don’t Rely on the Same Old Arguments

What is a more foundational argument for content strategy? How can you make the case to the C-suite and to mollify skeptical colleagues? It requires you to flip your thinking with this one twist recommended by Robert Rose.

5 Steps to Improving Subscriber Data for More Personalized Emails

If you want a more valuable audience, you must know more about your subscribers than just their email address. Learn how CMI gained robust data for almost 50% of its subscribers, and how it used that information for the better.

4 Ways to Shift Your Thinking to Truly Focus on Your Audience

Are you tired of hearing the mantra, “Audience first.” We are too. But too many marketers aren’t putting the audience first (even though they say they do). Test your own audience-first mentality by answering these four questions.

How to Use How-To Content to Create and Retain Loyal Customers

Too many marketers fail to create content for the bottom of the funnel. But content for people who are on the verge of buying, who have just bought, and who are between purchases is essential. Learn how outdoor retailer REI does it.